
Anti-Majdan yesterday (21.12.13)

As we know, the Majdan cannot be completely filled up with protesters during the week, because the inhabitians of Kiev have to work. We also know, that Janukowytch had a successful day this week. On Wednesday Putin signed a treaty promising considerable help (15 Millions Dollars and lower gas prices) to Ukraine. For this reason both sides of the current Ukrainian conflict are now trying to mobilize their respective supporters for the planned Sunday demonstrations. The opposition is expecting hundreds of thousands of visitors on the Majdan and Hreshtshatyk. The rulers want to show once more that they have a great amount of supporters strong enough in size and organization to keep up with the Majdan protesters. The Majdan side has still a better position in both regards. Their organization is remarkable and despite weak political leadership its adherents are determined to fight "till the end" (e.g. until "victory" comes, although the mentioned leaders obviously have little idea what "victory" consists of).

The pictures below were taken today and give an impression about the Anti-Majdan in a park near the parliament which has proved to be a weak counterpart of the Majdan. I am sure, they do not need to be commented. I want to mention only one thing. Among the people who support Janukowytch and his "Party of Regions" in Kiev are also very nice ones.